Can Myasthenia gravis cause a sudden collapse?

In response. YES !!! YES !!! YES !!!

Sudden collapse is the most pronounced symptom of Myasthenia gravis. A severe case of Myasthenia gravis is marked by a sudden collapse due to extremely sudden weakness of all the muscles in the body, from the eyelids to the chest, to the arms, to the body, to the legs. Such extreme sudden weakness will cause total muscular collapse every 20 minutes.

It takes about 8 to 10 minutes to drive from San Bruno, California, to the San Francisco International Airport. Someone with Myasthenia gravis has enough strength only to drive to the airport but will not be able to drive back to San Bruno. One has to rest in the car on the side of the road for at least 15 minutes for the muscle strength to recover.

Walking in a shopping mall is very frightening for someone with Myasthenia gravis because every 15 to 20 minutes the person will feel that he or she is going to collapse completely onto the floor. The person cannot even shuffle his or her way along. The distance between the seats in a shapping mall are too far apart for anyone with Myasthenia gravis to even reach by walking.

About masterchensays

Victor Chen, herbalist, alternative healthcare lecturer, Chinese affairs analyst, retired journalist
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